
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

   第 10 篇



   The Lobster Quadrille

   素甲魚深深地嘆息著,用一只手背抹著眼淚,瞧著愛麗絲想說話,可是有好 一陣子泣不成聲。“好像他嗓子里卡了根骨頭。”鷹頭獅說。于是就搖它和拍它 的背。終于素甲魚能開口說話了,它一面流著眼淚,一面說:

   The Mock Turtle sighed deeply, and drew the back of one flapper across his eyes. He looked at Alice, and tried to speak, but for a minute or two sobs choked his voice. 'Same as if he had a bone in his throat,' said the Gryphon: and it set to work shaking him and punching him in the back. At last the Mock Turtle recovered his voice, and, with tears running down his cheeks, he went on again:—

   “你可能沒在海底 下住過很久。”(“從來沒住過,”愛麗絲說)“你也許從來不認識龍蝦吧!” (愛麗絲剛想說“我吃過……”,但立即改口,說“從來沒有”),“所以你一 點也想不到龍蝦四組舞有多么好玩。”

   'You may not have lived much under the sea—' ('I haven't,' said Alice)—'and perhaps you were never even introduced to a lobster—' (Alice began to say 'I once tasted—' but checked herself hastily, and said 'No, never') '—so you can have no idea what a delightful thing a Lobster Quadrille is!'


   'No, indeed,' said Alice. 'What sort of a dance is it?'


   'Why,' said the Gryphon, 'you first form into a line along the sea-shore—'

   “兩排!”素甲魚叫道,“海豹、烏龜和娃魚都排好隊。然后,把所有的水 母都清掃掉……”

   'Two lines!' cried the Mock Turtle. 'Seals, turtles, salmon, and so on; then, when you've cleared all the jelly-fish out of the way—'


   'THAT generally takes some time,' interrupted the Gryphon.


   '—you advance twice—'


   'Each with a lobster as a partner!' cried the Gryphon.


   'Of course,' the Mock Turtle said: 'advance twice, set to partners—'


   '—change lobsters, and retire in same order,' continued the Gryphon.


   'Then, you know,' the Mock Turtle went on, 'you throw the—'


   'The lobsters!' shouted the Gryphon, with a bound into the air.


   '—as far out to sea as you can—'


   'Swim after them!' screamed the Gryphon.


   'Turn a somersault in the sea!' cried the Mock Turtle, capering wildly about.


   'Change lobsters again!' yelled the Gryphon at the top of its voice.

   “再回到陸地上,再……這就是舞的第一節。”素甲魚說。它的聲音突然低 了下來。于是,這兩個剛才像瘋子似的跳來跳去的動物,又坐了下來,非常安靜 而又悲傷地瞧著愛麗絲。

   'Back to land again, and that's all the first figure,' said the Mock Turtle, suddenly dropping his voice; and the two creatures, who had been jumping about like mad things all this time, sat down again very sadly and quietly, and looked at Alice.


   'It must be a very pretty dance,' said Alice timidly.


   'Would you like to see a little of it?' said the Mock Turtle.


   'Very much indeed,' said Alice.

   “咱們來跳跳第一節吧,”素甲魚對鷹頭獅說道,“你知道,咱們沒有龍蝦 也行。不過誰來唱呢?”

   'Come, let's try the first figure!' said the Mock Turtle to the Gryphon. 'We can do without lobsters, you know. Which shall sing?'


   'Oh, YOU sing,' said the Gryphon. 'I've forgotten the words.'

   于是他們庄嚴地圍著愛麗絲跳起舞來,一面用前爪拍著拍子。當他們跳到跟 前的時候,常常要踩著愛麗絲的腳。素甲魚緩慢而悲傷地唱道:

   So they began solemnly dancing round and round Alice, every now and then treading on her toes when they passed too close, and waving their forepaws to mark the time, while the Mock Turtle sang this, very slowly and sadly:—


 '"Will you walk a little faster?"
    said a whiting to a snail.
  "There's a porpoise close behind us,
    and he's treading on my tail.


 See how eagerly the lobsters
    and the turtles all advance!
  They are waiting on the shingle
    will you come and join the dance?


 Will you, won't you, will you,
    won't you, will you join the dance?
  Will you, won't you, will you,
    won't you, won't you join the dance?


 "You can really have no notion
    how delightful it will be
  When they take us up and throw us,
    with the lobsters, out to sea!"
  But the snail replied "Too far, too far!"
    and gave a look askance—
  Said he thanked the whiting kindly,
    but he would not join the dance.


 Would not, could not, would not,
    could not, would not join the dance.
  Would not, could not, would not,
    could not, could not join the dance.


 '"What matters it how far we go?"
    his scaly friend replied.
  "There is another shore, you know,
    upon the other side.
  The further off from England
    the nearer is to France—
  Then turn not pale, beloved snail,
    but come and join the dance.


 Will you, won't you, will you,
    won't you, will you join the dance?
  Will you, won't you, will you,
    won't you, won't you join the dance?"'

   “謝謝你,我組舞真好玩,”愛麗絲說,她很高興它終于結束了,“我很喜 歡這支奇怪的關于鱈魚的歌。”

   'Thank you, it's a very interesting dance to watch,' said Alice, feeling very glad that it was over at last: 'and I do so like that curious song about the whiting!'


   'Oh, as to the whiting,' said the Mock Turtle, 'they—you've seen them, of course?'


   'Yes,' said Alice, 'I've often seen them at dinn—' she checked herself hastily.

   “我不知道‘飯’是什么地方,”素甲魚說,“不過,如果你常常看見它們, 你當然知道它們的樣子了。”

   'I don't know where Dinn may be,' said the Mock Turtle, 'but if you've seen them so often, of course you know what they're like.'

   “我想我知道,”愛麗絲思索著說,“它們把尾巴彎到嘴里,身上撒滿了面 包屑(這是西菜中燒好的鱈魚的樣子。)。”

   'I believe so,' Alice replied thoughtfully. 'They have their tails in their mouths—and they're all over crumbs.'

   “面包屑?你可說錯了!”素甲魚說,“海水會把面包屑沖掉的。不過它們 倒真是把尾巴彎到嘴里的。這個緣故是……”說到這里,素甲魚打個哈欠,合上 了眼。“告訴她這是什么緣故。”它對鷹頭獅說。

   'You're wrong about the crumbs,' said the Mock Turtle: 'crumbs would all wash off in the sea. But they HAVE their tails in their mouths; and the reason is—' here the Mock Turtle yawned and shut his eyes.—'Tell her about the reason and all that,' he said to the Gryphon.

   鷹頭獅說,“這是因為它們同龍蝦一道參加舞會,于是,它們就從海里被扔 出去了,于是,它們落得老遠,于是,它們就把尾巴塞到嘴里去了,于是,它們 沒法把尾巴弄出來了。就是這些。”

   'The reason is,' said the Gryphon, 'that they WOULD go with the lobsters to the dance. So they got thrown out to sea. So they had to fall a long way. So they got their tails fast in their mouths. So they couldn't get them out again. That's all.'

   “謝謝你,”愛麗絲說,“真有意思,我以前不知道這么多的關于鱈魚的故 事。”

   'Thank you,' said Alice, 'it's very interesting. I never knew so much about a whiting before.'

   “如果你愿意,我還可以告訴你更多哩!”鷹頭獅說,“你知道為什么叫鱈 魚嗎?”

   'I can tell you more than that, if you like,' said the Gryphon. 'Do you know why it's called a whiting?'


   'I never thought about it,' said Alice. 'Why?'


   'IT DOES THE BOOTS AND SHOES.' the Gryphon replied very solemnly.


   Alice was thoroughly puzzled. 'Does the boots and shoes!' she repeated in a wondering tone.

   “是的,你的鞋用什么擦的?”鷹頭獅說,“我的意思是,你用什么把鞋子 擦得那么亮?”

   'Why, what are YOUR shoes done with?' said the Gryphon. 'I mean, what makes them so shiny?'


   Alice looked down at them, and considered a little before she gave her answer. 'They're done with blacking, I believe.'

   “靴子和鞋子在海里,要白得發亮,”鷹頭獅說,“你知道,是用鱈魚的雪 擦亮的。”

   'Boots and shoes under the sea,' the Gryphon went on in a deep voice, 'are done with a whiting. Now you know.'


   'And what are they made of?' Alice asked in a tone of great curiosity.

   “當然是 魚和鰻魚啦!”鷹頭獅很不耐煩地回答,“就是小蝦也會這樣告 訴你的。”

   'Soles and eels, of course,' the Gryphon replied rather impatiently: 'any shrimp could have told you that.'

   “如果我是鱈魚,”愛麗絲說,腦子里還想著那首歌,“我會對海豚說“遠 一點,我們不要你同我們在一起!’”

   'If I'd been the whiting,' said Alice, whose thoughts were still running on the song, 'I'd have said to the porpoise, "Keep back, please: we don't want YOU with us!"'

   “它們不得不要海豚,”素甲魚說,“沒有一种聰明的魚外出旅行時,不要 海豚的。”

   'They were obliged to have him with them,' the Mock Turtle said: 'no wise fish would go anywhere without a porpoise.'


   'Wouldn't it really?' said Alice in a tone of great surprise.

   “可不是,”素甲魚說,“如果有魚外出旅行,來告訴我,我就會說‘哪個 海豚去’”

   'Of course not,' said the Mock Turtle: 'why, if a fish came to ME, and told me he was going a journey, I should say "With what porpoise?"'


   'Don't you mean "purpose"?' said Alice.

   “我知道我說的意思,”素甲魚生气地回答。鷹頭獅接著說:“讓我們听听 關于你的故事吧。”

   'I mean what I say,' the Mock Turtle replied in an offended tone. And the Gryphon added 'Come, let's hear some of YOUR adventures.'

   “我可以告訴你們我的故事──從今天早晨開始,”愛麗絲有點膽怯地說, “咱們不必從昨天開始,因為從那以后,我已經變成另一個人啦。”

   'I could tell you my adventures—beginning from this morning,' said Alice a little timidly: 'but it's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.'


   'Explain all that,' said the Mock Turtle.


   'No, no! The adventures first,' said the Gryphon in an impatient tone: 'explanations take such a dreadful time.'

   于是,愛麗絲講她的故事了,她從瞧見那只白兔講起,在剛開始的時候,她 還有點不安──那兩個動物坐得离她那么近,一邊一個,眼睛和嘴又睜得那么大。 但是她逐漸膽大起來了,她的兩個听眾安靜地听著。’”直到她講到給毛毛虫背 《你老了,威廉爸爸》,背出來的字眼全不對的時候,素甲魚深深地吸了一口气, 說道:“這非常奇怪。”

   So Alice began telling them her adventures from the time when she first saw the White Rabbit. She was a little nervous about it just at first, the two creatures got so close to her, one on each side, and opened their eyes and mouths so VERY wide, but she gained courage as she went on. Her listeners were perfectly quiet till she got to the part about her repeating 'YOU ARE OLD, FATHER WILLIAM,' to the Caterpillar, and the words all coming different, and then the Mock Turtle drew a long breath, and said 'That's very curious.'


   'It's all about as curious as it can be,' said the Gryphon.

   “這首詩全背錯啦,”素甲魚沉思著重复說,“我想再听听她背誦點什么東 西,讓她開始吧。”他看看鷹頭獅,好像鷹頭獅對愛麗絲有什么權威似的。

   'It all came different!' the Mock Turtle repeated thoughtfully. 'I should like to hear her try and repeat something now. Tell her to begin.' He looked at the Gryphon as if he thought it had some kind of authority over Alice.


   'Stand up and repeat "'TIS THE VOICE OF THE SLUGGARD,"' said the Gryphon.

   “些動物老是那么喜歡命令人,老讓人背書,”愛麗絲想,“我還不如馬上 回學校去呢。然而,她還是站起來背了。可是她腦子里仍然充滿龍蝦四組舞的事, 簡直不知道自己在說些什么。她背出來的東西确實非常奇怪:

   'How the creatures order one about, and make one repeat lessons!' thought Alice; 'I might as well be at school at once.' However, she got up, and began to repeat it, but her head was so full of the Lobster Quadrille, that she hardly knew what she was saying, and the words came very queer indeed:—


  ''Tis the voice of the Lobster; I heard him declare,
   "You have baked me too brown, I must sugar my hair."
   As a duck with its eyelids, so he with his nose
   Trims his belt and his buttons, and turns out his toes.'
        [later editions continued as follows
   When the sands are all dry, he is gay as a lark,
   And will talk in contemptuous tones of the Shark,
   But, when the tide rises and sharks are around,
   His voice has a timid and tremulous sound.]


   'That's different from what I used to say when I was a child,' said the Gryphon.


   'Well, I never heard it before,' said the Mock Turtle; 'but it sounds uncommon nonsense.'

   愛麗絲什么話也沒說,她又坐了下來,雙手掩住了臉,不知道什么時候才會 恢复正常。

   Alice said nothing; she had sat down with her face in her hands, wondering if anything would EVER happen in a natural way again.


   'I should like to have it explained,' said the Mock Turtle.


   'She can't explain it,' said the Gryphon hastily. 'Go on with the next verse.'

   “但是關于腳趾是怎么回事?”素甲魚堅持說,“它怎么能用自己的鼻子扭 轉它們呢?”

   'But about his toes?' the Mock Turtle persisted. 'How COULD he turn them out with his nose, you know?'

   “那是跳舞的第一個姿勢,”愛麗絲說。可是她被這一切弄得莫名其妙,所 以非常希望換一個話題。

   'It's the first position in dancing.' Alice said; but was dreadfully puzzled by the whole thing, and longed to change the subject.


   'Go on with the next verse,' the Gryphon repeated impatiently: 'it begins "I passed by his garden."'


   Alice did not dare to disobey, though she felt sure it would all come wrong, and she went on in a trembling voice:—


  'I passed by his garden, and marked, with one eye,
   How the Owl and the Panther were sharing a pie—'
     [later editions continued as follows
   The Panther took pie-crust, and gravy, and meat,
   While the Owl had the dish as its share of the treat.
   When the pie was all finished, the Owl, as a boon,
   Was kindly permitted to pocket the spoon:
   While the Panther received knife and fork with a growl,
   And concluded the banquet—]

   這時素甲魚插嘴說道:“要是你不能一邊背一邊解釋,那么背這些胡說八道 的東西有什么用?這是我听到過的最亂七八糟的東西了。

   'What IS the use of repeating all that stuff,' the Mock Turtle interrupted, 'if you don't explain it as you go on? It's by far the most confusing thing I ever heard!'


   'Yes, I think you'd better leave off,' said the Gryphon: and Alice was only too glad to do so.

   “我們再跳一節龍蝦四組舞好嗎?”鷹頭獅繼續說,“或者,你愿意听素甲 魚給你唱支歌嗎?”

   'Shall we try another figure of the Lobster Quadrille?' the Gryphon went on. 'Or would you like the Mock Turtle to sing you a song?'

   “啊,請來一支歌吧,要是素甲魚愿意的話。”愛麗絲說得那么熱情,使得 鷹頭獅用不高興的口气說:“趣味太低了。老伙計,那你就給她唱支‘甲魚湯’, 好嗎?”

   'Oh, a song, please, if the Mock Turtle would be so kind,' Alice replied, so eagerly that the Gryphon said, in a rather offended tone, 'Hm! No accounting for tastes! Sing her "Turtle Soup," will you, old fellow?'


   The Mock Turtle sighed deeply, and began, in a voice sometimes choked with sobs, to sing this:—


   'Beautiful Soup, so rich and green,
    Waiting in a hot tureen!
    Who for such dainties would not stoop?
    Soup of the evening, beautiful Soup!
    Soup of the evening, beautiful Soup!
      Beau—ootiful Soo—oop!
      Beau—ootiful Soo—oop!
    Soo—oop of the e—e—evening,
      Beautiful, beautiful Soup!


   'Beautiful Soup! Who cares for fish,
    Game, or any other dish?
    Who would not give all else for two
    Pennyworth only of beautiful Soup?
    Pennyworth only of beautiful Soup?
      Beau—ootiful Soo—oop!
      Beau—ootiful Soo—oop!
    Soo—oop of the e—e—evening,
      Beautiful, beauti—FUL SOUP!'

   “再來一遍合唱!”鷹頭獅叫道。素甲魚剛要開口,就听到遠處叫道“審訊 開始啦!”

   'Chorus again!' cried the Gryphon, and the Mock Turtle had just begun to repeat it, when a cry of 'The trial's beginning!' was heard in the distance.

   “走吧!”鷹頭獅叫道,它拉住了愛麗絲的手,也不等那支歌唱完,急忙跑 了。

   'Come on!' cried the Gryphon, and, taking Alice by the hand, it hurried off, without waiting for the end of the song.

   “什么審訊呀?”愛麗絲一面跑一面喘著气問,但是鷹頭獅只是說“走吧”。 他跑得更快了。微風送來了越來越微弱的單調的歌詞:

   'What trial is it?' Alice panted as she ran; but the Gryphon only answered 'Come on!' and ran the faster, while more and more faintly came, carried on the breeze that followed them, the melancholy words:—


   'Soo—oop of the e—e—evening,
      Beautiful, beautiful Soup!'

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