
The Metamorphosis


格里高尔所受的重创使他有一个月不能行动——那个苹 果还一直留在他的身上,没人敢去取下来,仿佛这是一个公 开的纪念品似的——他的受伤好象使父亲也想起了他是家庭 的一员,尽管他现在很不幸,外形使人看了恶心,但是也不 应该把他看成是敌人,相反,家庭的责任正需要大家把厌恶 的心情压下去,而用耐心来对待,只能是耐心,别的都无济 于事。

虽然他的创伤损害了,而且也许是永久的损害了他行动 的能力,目前,他从房间的一端爬到另一端也得花好多好多 分钟,活像个老弱的病人——说到上墙在目前更是谈也不用 谈——可是,在他自己看来,他的受伤还是得到了足够的补 偿,因为每到晚上——他早在一两个小时以前就一心一意等 待着这个时刻了,起坐室的门总是大大地打开,这样他就可 以躺在自己房间的暗处,家里人看不见他,他却可以看到三 个人坐在点上灯的桌子旁边,可以听到他们的谈话,这大概 是他们全都同意的。比起早先的偷听,这可要强多了。

Gregor's serious wound, from which he suffered for over a month (since no one ventured to remove the apple, it remained in his flesh as a visible reminder), seemed by itself to have reminded the father that, in spite of his present unhappy and hateful appearance, Gregor was a member of the family, something one should not treat as an enemy, and that it was, on the contrary, a requirement of family duty to suppress one's aversion and to endure--nothing else, just endure. And if through his wound Gregor had now apparently lost for good his ability to move and for the time being needed many many minutes to crawl across this room, like an aged invalid (so far as creeping up high was concerned, that was unimaginable), nevertheless for this worsening of his condition, in his opinion, he did get completely satisfactory compensation, because every day towards evening the door to the living room, which he was in the habit of keeping a sharp eye on even one or two hours beforehand, was opened, so that he, lying down in the darkness of his room, invisible from the living room, could see the entire family at the illuminated table and listen to their conversation, to a certain extent with their common permission, a situation quite different from what happened before.

的确,他们的关系中缺少了先前那种活跃的气氛。过去, 当他投宿在客栈狭小的寝室里,疲惫不堪,要往潮滋滋的床 铺上倒下去的时候,他总是以一种渴望的心情怀念这种气氛 的。他们现在往往很沉默。晚饭吃完不久,父亲就在扶手椅 里打起瞌睡来;母亲和妹妹就互相提醒谁都别说话;母亲把 头低低地俯在灯下,在给一家时装店做精细的针线活;他妹 妹已经当了售货员,为了将来找更好的工作,在利用晚上的 时间学习速记和法语。有时父亲醒了过来,仿佛根本不知道 自己已经睡了一觉,还对母亲说:“你今天干了这么多针线 活呀!”话才说完又睡着了,于是娘儿俩又交换一下疲倦的 笑容。

Of course, it was no longer the animated social interaction of former times, about which Gregor in small hotel rooms had always thought about with a certain longing, when, tired out, he had to throw himself in the damp bedclothes. For the most part what went on now was very quiet. After the evening meal the father fell asleep quickly in his arm chair; the mother and sister talked guardedly to each other in the stillness. Bent far over, the mother sewed fine undergarments for a fashion shop. The sister, who had taken on a job as a salesgirl, in the evening studied stenography and French, so as perhaps later to obtain a better position. Sometimes the father woke up and, as if he was quite ignorant that he had been asleep, said to the mother "How long you have been sewing today!" and went right back to sleep, while the mother and the sister smiled tiredly to each other.

父亲脾气真执拗,连在家里也一定要穿上那件制服,他 的睡衣一无用处地挂在钩子上,他穿得整整齐齐,坐着坐着 就睡着了,好象随时要去应差,即使在家里也要对上司唯命 是从似的。这样下来,虽则有母亲和妹妹的悉心保护,他那 件本来就不是簇新的制服已经开始显得脏了,格里高尔常常 整夜整夜地望着钮扣老是擦得金光闪闪的外套上的一摊摊油 迹,老人就穿着这件外套极不舒服却又是极安宁地坐在那里 沉入了睡乡。

With a sort of stubbornness the father refused to take off his servant's uniform even at home, and while his sleeping gown hung unused on the coat hook, the father dozed completely dressed in his place, as if he was always ready for his responsibility and even here was waiting for the voice of his superior. As result, in spite of all the care of the mother and sister, his uniform, which even at the start was not new, grew dirty, and Gregor looked, often for the entire evening, at this clothing, with stains all over it and with its gold buttons always polished, in which the old man, although very uncomfortable, slept peacefully nonetheless.

一等钟敲十下,母亲就设法用婉言款语把父亲唤醒,劝 他上床去睡,因为坐着睡休息不好,可他最需要的就是休息, 因为六点钟就得去上班。可是自从他在银行里当了杂役以来, 不知怎的得了犟脾气,他总想在桌子旁边再坐上一会儿,可 是又总是重新睡着,到后来得花九牛二虎之力才能把他从扶 手椅弄到床上去。不管格里高尔的母亲和妹妹怎样不断用温 和的话一个劲儿地催促他,他总要闭着眼睛,慢慢地摇头, 摇上一刻钟,就是不肯站起来。母亲拉着他的袖管,对着他 的耳朵轻声说些甜蜜的话,他妹妹也扔下了功课跑来帮助母 亲。可是格里高尔的父亲还是不上钩。他一味往椅子深处退 去。直到两个女人抓住他的胳肢窝把他拉了起来,他才睁开 眼睛,看看这个,又看看那个,而且总要说:“我过的是什 么日子呀。这就算是我安宁、平静的晚年了吗。”于是就由 两个人搀扶着挣扎站起来,好不费力,仿佛自己对自己都是 一个沉重的负担,还要她们一直扶到门口,这才挥挥手叫她 们回去,独自往前走,可是母亲还是放下了针线活,妹妹也 放下笔,追上去再搀他一把。

As soon as the clock struck ten, the mother tried encouraging the father gently to wake up and then persuading him to go to bed, on the ground that he couldn't get a proper sleep here and the father, who had to report for service at six o'clock, really needed a good sleep. But in his stubbornness, which had gripped him since he had become a servant, he insisted always on staying even longer by the table, although he regularly fell asleep and then could only be prevailed upon with the greatest difficulty to trade his chair for the bed. No matter how much the mother and sister might at that point work on him with small admonitions, for a quarter of an hour he would remain shaking his head slowly, his eyes closed, without standing up. The mother would pull him by the sleeve and speak flattering words into his ear; the sister would leave her work to help her mother, but that would not have the desired effect on the father. He would settle himself even more deeply in his arm chair. Only when the two women grabbed him under the armpits would he throw his eyes open, look back and forth at the mother and sister, and habitually say "This is a life. This is the peace and quiet of my old age." And propped up by both women, he would heave himself up, elaborately, as if for him it was the greatest travail, allow himself to be led to the door by the women, wave them away there, and proceed on his own from there, while the mother quickly threw down her sewing implements and the sister her pen in order to run after the father and help him some more.

在这个操劳过度疲倦不堪的家庭里,除了做绝对必需的 事情以外,谁还有时间替格里高尔操心呢?家计日益窘迫; 使女也给辞退了;一个篷着满头白发高大瘦削的老妈子一早 一晚来替他们做些粗活;其它的一切家务事就落在格里高尔 母亲的身上。此外,她还得做一大堆一大堆的针线活。连母 亲和妹妹以往每逢参加晚会和喜庆日子总要骄傲地戴上的那 些首饰,也不得不变卖了,一天晚上,家里人都在讨论卖得 的价钱,格里高尔才发现了这件事。可是最使他们悲哀的就 是没法从与目前的景况不相称的住所里迁出去,因为他们想 不出有什么法子搬动格里高尔。可是格里高尔很明白,对他 的考虑并不是妨碍搬家的主要原因,因为他们满可以把他装 在一只大小合适的盒子里,只要留几个通气的孔眼就行了; 他们彻底绝望了,还相信他们是注定了要交上这种所有亲友 都没交过的厄运,这才是使他们没有迁往他处的真正原因。

In this overworked and exhausted family who had time to worry any longer about Gregor more than was absolutely necessary? The household was constantly getting smaller. The servant girl was now let go. A huge bony cleaning woman with white hair flapping all over her head came in the morning and the evening to do the heaviest work. The mother took care of everything else in addition to her considerable sewing work. It even happened that various pieces of family jewelry, which previously the mother and sister had been overjoyed to wear on social and festive occasions, were sold, as Gregor found out in the evening from the general discussion of the prices they had fetched. But the greatest complaint was always that they could not leave this apartment, which was too big for their present means, since it was impossible to imagine how Gregor might be moved. But Gregor fully recognized that it was not just consideration for him which was preventing a move (for he could have been transported easily in a suitable box with a few air holes); the main thing holding the family back from a change in living quarters was far more their complete hopelessness and the idea that they had been struck by a misfortune like no one else in their entire circle of relatives and acquaintances.

世界上要求穷人的一切他们都已尽力做了:父亲在银行里给 小职员卖早点,母亲把自己的精力耗费在替陌生人缝内衣上, 妹妹听顾客的命令在柜台后面急急地跑来跑去,超过这个界 限就是他们力所不及的了。把父亲送上了床,母亲和妹妹就 重新回进房间,他们总是放下手头的工作,靠得紧紧地坐着, 脸挨着脸,接着母亲指指格里高尔的房门说:“把这扇门关 上吧,葛蕾特。”于是他重新被关入黑暗中,而隔壁的两个 女人就涕泗交流起来,或是眼眶干枯地瞪着桌子;逢到这样 的时候,格里高尔背上的创伤总要又一次地使他感到疼痛难 忍。

What the world demands of poor people they now carried out to an extreme degree. The father brought breakfast to the petty officials at the bank, the mother sacrificed herself for the undergarments of strangers, the sister behind her desk was at the beck and call of customers, but the family's energies did not extend any further. And the wound in his back began to pain Gregor all over again, when now mother and sister, after they had escorted the father to bed, came back, let their work lie, moved close together, and sat cheek to cheek and when his mother would now say, pointing to Gregor's room, "Close the door, Grete," and when Gregor was again in the darkness, while close by the women mingled their tears or, quite dry eyed, stared at the table.

不管是夜晚还是白天,格里高尔都几乎不睡觉。有一个 想法老是折磨他:下一次门再打开时他就要像过去那样重新 挑起一家的担子了;隔了这么久以后,他脑子里又出现了老 板、秘书主任、那些旅行推销员和练习生的影子,他仿佛还 看见了那个其蠢无比的听差、两三个在别的公司里做事的朋 友、一个乡村客栈里的侍女,这是个一闪即逝的甜蜜的回忆; 还有一个女帽店里的出纳,格里高尔殷勤地向她求过爱,但 是让人家捷足先登了——他们都出现了,另外还有些陌生的 或他几乎已经忘却的人,但是他们非但不帮他和他家庭的忙, 却一个个都那么冷冰冰,格里高尔看到他们从眼前消失,心 里只有感到高兴。

Gregor spent his nights and days with hardly any sleep. Sometimes he thought that the next time the door opened he would take over the family arrangements just as he had earlier. In his imagination appeared again, after a long time, his employer and supervisor and the apprentices, the excessively gormless custodian, two or three friends from other businesses, a chambermaid from a hotel in the provinces, a loving fleeting memory, a female cashier from a hat shop, whom he had seriously, but too slowly courted--they all appeared mixed in with strangers or people he had already forgotten, but instead of helping him and his family, they were all unapproachable, and he was happy to see them disappear.

另外,有的时候,他没有心思为家庭担忧 ,却因为家人那样忽视自己而积了一肚子的火,他自己也弄 不清楚到底爱吃什么,却打算闯进食物储藏室去把本该属于 他份内的食物叼走。他妹妹再也不考虑拿什么他可能最爱吃 的东西来喂他了,只是在早晨和中午上班以前匆匆忙忙地用 脚把食物拨进来,手头有什么就给他吃什么,到了晚上只是 用扫帚一下子再把东西扫出去,也不管他是尝了几口呢,还 是--这是最经常的情况--连动也没有动。她现在总是在 晚上给他打扫房间,她的打扫不能再草率了。墙上尽是一缕 缕灰尘,到处都是成团的尘土和脏东西。起初格里高尔在妹 妹要来的时候总待在特别肮脏的角落里,他的用意也算是以 此责难她。可是即使他再蹲上几个星期也无法使她有所改进 ;她跟他一样完全看得见这些尘土,可就是决心不管。

But then he was in no mood to worry about his family. He was filled with sheer anger over the wretched care he was getting, even though he couldn't imagine anything for which he might have an appetite. Still, he made plans about how he could take from the larder what he at all account deserved, even if he wasn't hungry. Without thinking any more about how one might be able to give Gregor special pleasure, the sister now kicked some food or other very quickly into his room in the morning and at noon, before she ran off to her shop, and in the evening, quite indifferent about whether the food had perhaps only been tasted or, what happened most frequently, remained entirely undisturbed, she whisked it out with one sweep of her broom. The task of cleaning his room, which she now always carried out in the evening, could not be done any more quickly. Streaks of dirt ran along the walls; here and there lay tangles of dust and garbage. At first, when his sister arrived, Gregor positioned himself in a particularly filthy corner in order with this posture to make something of a protest. But he could have well stayed there for weeks without his sister's changing her ways. Indeed, she perceived the dirt as much as he did, but she had decided just to let it stay.

不但 如此,她新近脾气还特别暴躁,这也不知怎的传染给了全家 人,这种脾气使她认定自己是格里高尔房间唯一的管理人。 他的母亲有一回把他的房间彻底扫除了一番,其实不过是用 了几桶水罢了--房间的潮湿当然使格里高尔大为狼狈,他 摊开身子阴郁地一动不动地躺在沙发上--可是母亲为这事 也受了罪。那天晚上,妹妹刚察觉到他房间所发生的变化, 就怒不可遏地冲进起坐室,而且不顾母亲举起双手苦苦哀求, 竟号啕大哭起来,她的父母--父亲当然早就从椅子里惊醒 站立起来了--最初只是无可奈何地愕然看着,接着也卷了 进来;父亲先是责怪右边的母亲,说打扫格里高尔的房间本 来是女儿的事,她真是多管闲事;接着又尖声地对左边的女 儿嚷叫,说以后再也不让她去打扫格里高尔的房间了;而母 亲呢,却想把父亲拖到卧室里去,因为他已经激动得不能控 制自己了;妹妹哭得浑身发抖,只管用她那小拳头擂打桌子; 格里高尔也气得发出很响的嗤嗤声,因为没有人想起关上门, 省得他看到这一场好戏,听到这么些热闹。

In this business, with a touchiness which was quite new to her and which had generally taken over the entire family, she kept watch to see that the cleaning of Gregor's room remained reserved for her. Once his mother had undertaken a major cleaning of Gregor's room, which she had only completed successfully after using a few buckets of water. But the extensive dampness made Gregor sick and he lay supine, embittered and immobile on the couch. However, the mother's punishment was not delayed for long. For in the evening the sister had hardly observed the change in Gregor's room before she ran into the living room mightily offended and, in spite of her mother's hand lifted high in entreaty, broke out in a fit of crying. Her parents (the father had, of course, woken up with a start in his arm chair) at first looked at her astonished and helpless; until they started to get agitated. Turning to his right, the father heaped reproaches on the mother that she was not to take over the cleaning of Gregor's room from the sister and, turning to his left, he shouted at the sister that she would no longer be allowed to clean Gregor's room ever again, while the mother tried to pull the father, beside himself in his excitement, into the bed room; the sister, shaken by her crying fit, pounded on the table with her tiny fists, and Gregor hissed at all this, angry that no one thought about shutting the door and sparing him the sight of this commotion.

可是,即使妹妹因为一天工作下来疲累不堪,已经懒得 像先前那样去照顾格里高尔了,母亲也没有自己去管的必要, 而格里高尔倒也根本不会给忽视,因为现在有那个老妈子了。 这个老寡妇的结实精瘦的身体使她经受了漫长的一生中所有 最最厉害的打击,她根本不怕格里高尔。她有一次完全不是 因为好奇,而纯粹是出于偶然打开了他的房门,看到了格里 高尔,格里高尔吃了一惊,便四处奔跑了起来,其实老妈子 根本没有追他,只是叉着手站在那儿罢了。从那时起,一早 一晚,她总不忘记花上几分钟把他的房门打开一些来看看他。 起先她还用自以为亲热的话招呼他,比如:“来呀,嗨,你 这只老屎壳郎!”或者是:“瞧这老屎壳郎哪,吓!”对于 这样的攀谈格里高尔置之不理,只是一动不动地待在原处, 就当那扇门根本没有开。与其容许她兴致一来就这样无聊地 滋扰自己,还不如命令她天天打扫他的房间呢,这粗老妈子! 有一次,是在清晨--急骤的雨点敲打着窗玻璃,这大概是 春天快来临的征兆吧--她又来罗嗦了,格里高尔好不恼怒, 就向她冲去,仿佛要咬她似的,虽然他的行动既缓慢又软弱 无力。可是那个老妈子非但不害怕,反而把刚好放在门旁的 一张椅子高高举起,她的嘴张得老大,显然是要等椅子往格 里高尔的背上砸去才会闭上。“你又不过来了吗?”看到格 里高尔掉过头去,她一面问,一面镇静地把椅子放回墙角。

But even when the sister, exhausted from her daily work, had grown tired of caring for Gregor as she had before, even then the mother did not have to come at all on her behalf. And Gregor did not have to be neglected. For now the cleaning woman was there. This old widow, who in her long life must have managed to survive the worst with the help of her bony frame, had no real horror of Gregor. Without being in the least curious, she had once by chance opened Gregor's door. At the sight of Gregor, who, totally surprised, began to scamper here and there, although no one was chasing him, she remained standing with her hands folded across her stomach staring at him. Since then she did not fail to open the door furtively a little every morning and evening to look in on Gregor. At first, she also called him to her with words which she presumably thought were friendly, like "Come here for a bit, old dung beetle!" or "Hey, look at the old dung beetle!" Addressed in such a manner, Gregor answered nothing, but remained motionless in his place, as if the door had not been opened at all. If only, instead of allowing this cleaning woman to disturb him uselessly whenever she felt like it, they had instead given her orders to clean up his room every day! One day in the early morning (a hard downpour, perhaps already a sign of the coming spring, struck the window panes) when the cleaning woman started up once again with her usual conversation, Gregor was so bitter that he turned towards her, as if for an attack, although slowly and weakly. But instead of being afraid of him, the cleaning woman merely lifted up a chair standing close by the door and, as she stood there with her mouth wide open, her intention was clear: she would close her mouth only when the chair in her hand had been thrown down on Gregor's back. "This goes no further, all right?" she asked, as Gregor turned himself around again, and she placed the chair calmly back in the corner.

格里高尔现在简直不吃东西了。只有在他正好经过食物 时才会咬上一口,作为消遣,每次都在嘴里嚼上一个小时, 然后又重新吐掉。起初他还以为他不想吃是因为房间里凌乱 不堪,使他心烦,可是他很快也就习惯了房间里的种种变化。 家里人已经养成习惯,把别处放不下的东西都塞到这儿来, 这些东西现在多得很,因为家里有一个房间租给了三个房客。 这些一本正经的先生--他们三个全都蓄着大胡子,这是格 里高尔有一次从门缝里看到的--什么都要井井有条,不光 是他们的房间里得整齐,因为他们既然已经是这个家庭的一 员了,他们就要求整个屋子所有的一切都得如此,特别是厨 房。他们无法容忍多余的东西,更不要说脏东西了。此外, 他们自己用得着的东西几乎都带来了。因此就有许多东西多 了出来,卖出去既不值钱,扔掉也舍不得。这一切都千流归 大海,来到了格里高尔的房间。同样,连煤灰箱和垃圾箱也 来了。凡是暂时不用的东西都干脆给那老妈子扔了进来,她 做什么都那么毛手毛脚;幸亏格里高尔往往只看见一只手扔 进来一样东西,也不管那是什么。她也许是想等到什么时机 再把东西拿走吧,也许是想先堆起来再一起扔掉吧,可是实 际上东西都是她扔在哪儿就在哪儿,除非格里高尔有时嫌碍 路,把它推开一些,这样做最初是出于必须,因为他无处可 爬了,可是后来却从中得到越来越多的乐趣,虽则在这样的 长途跋涉之后,由于悒郁和极度疲劳,他总要一动不动地一 连躺上好几个小时。

Gregor ate hardly anything any more. Only when he chanced to move past the food which had been prepared did he, as a game, take a bit into his mouth, hold it there for hours, and generally spit it out again. At first he thought it might be his sadness over the condition of his room which kept him from eating, but he very soon became reconciled to the alterations in his room. People had grown accustomed to put into storage in his room things which they couldn't put anywhere else, and at this point there were many such things, now that they had rented one room of the apartment to three lodgers. These solemn gentlemen (all three had full beards, as Gregor once found out through a crack in the door) were meticulously intent on tidiness, not only in their own room but (since they had now rented a room here) in the entire household, and particularly in the kitchen. They simply did not tolerate any useless or shoddy stuff. Moreover, for the most part they had brought with them their own pieces of furniture. Thus, many items had become superfluous, and these were not really things one could sell or things people wanted to throw out. All these items ended up in Gregor's room, even the box of ashes and the garbage pail from the kitchen. The cleaning woman, always in a hurry, simply flung anything that was momentarily useless into Gregor's room. Fortunately Gregor generally saw only the relevant object and the hand which held it. The cleaning woman perhaps was intending, when time and opportunity allowed, to take the stuff out again or to throw everything out all at once, but in fact the things remained lying there, wherever they had ended up at the first throw, unless Gregor squirmed his way through the accumulation of junk and moved it. At first he was forced to do this because otherwise there was no room for him to creep around, but later he did it with a with a growing pleasure, although after such movements, tired to death and feeling wretched, he didn't budge for hours.

由于房客们常常要在家里公用的起坐室里吃晚饭,有许 多个夜晚房门都得关上,不过格里高尔很容易也就习惯了, 因为晚上即使门开着他也根本不感兴趣,只是躺在自己房间 最黑暗的地方,家里人谁也不注意他。不过有一次老妈子把 门开了一道缝,门始终微开着,连房客们进来吃饭点亮了灯 的时候也是如此。他们大模大样地坐在桌子的上首,在过去, 这是父亲、母亲和格里高尔吃饭时坐的地方,三个人摊开餐 巾,拿起了刀叉。立刻,母亲出现在对面的门口,手里端了 一盘肉,紧跟着她的是妹妹,拿的是一盘堆得高高的土豆。 食物散发着浓密的水蒸气。房客们把头伛在他们前面的盘子 上,仿佛在就餐之前要细细察看一番似的,真的,坐在当中 像是权威人士的那一位,等肉放到碟子里就割了一块下来, 显然是想看看够不够嫩,是否应该退给厨房。他作出满意的 样子,焦急地在一旁看着的母亲和妹妹这才舒畅地松了口气, 笑了起来。

Because the lodgers sometimes also took their evening meal at home in the common living room, the door to the living room stayed shut on many evenings. But Gregor had no trouble at all going without the open door. Already on many evenings when it was open he had not availed himself of it, but, without the family noticing, was stretched out in the darkest corner of his room. However, once the cleaning woman had left the door to the living room slightly ajar, and it remained open even when the lodgers came in in the evening and the lights were put on. They sat down at the head of the table, where in earlier days the mother, the father, and Gregor had eaten, unfolded their serviettes, and picked up their knives and forks. The mother immediately appeared in the door with a dish of meat and right behind her the sister with a dish piled high with potatoes. The food gave off a lot of steam. The gentlemen lodgers bent over the plate set before them, as if they wanted to check it before eating, and in fact the one who sat in the middle (for the other two he seemed to serve as the authority) cut off a piece of meat still on the plate obviously to establish whether it was sufficiently tender and whether or not something should be shipped back to the kitchen. He was satisfied, and mother and sister, who had looked on in suspense, began to breathe easily and to smile.

家里的人现在都到厨房去吃饭了。尽管如此,格里高尔 的父亲到厨房去以前总要先到起坐室来,手里拿着帽子,深 深地鞠一躬,绕着桌子转上一圈。房客们都站起来,胡子里 含含糊糊地哼出一些声音。父亲走后,他们就简直不发一声 地吃他们的饭。格里高尔自己也觉得奇怪,他竟能从饭桌上 各种不同的声音中分辨出他们的咀嚼声,这声音仿佛在向格 里高尔示威:要吃东西就不能没有牙齿,即使是最坚强的牙 床,只要没有牙齿,也算不了什么。“我饿坏了,”格里高 尔悲哀地自言自语道,“可是又不能吃这种东西。这些房客 拼命往自己肚子里塞,可是我却快要饿死了!”

The family itself ate in the kitchen. In spite of that, before the father went into the kitchen, he came into the room and with a single bow, cap in hand, made a tour of the table. The lodgers rose up collectively and murmured something in their beards. Then, when they were alone, they ate almost in complete silence. It seemed odd to Gregor that out of all the many different sorts of sounds of eating, what was always audible was their chewing teeth, as if by that Gregor should be shown that people needed their teeth to eat and that nothing could be done even with the most handsome toothless jawbone. "I really do have an appetite," Gregor said to himself sorrowfully, "but not for these things. How these lodgers stuff themselves, and I am dying."

就在这天晚上,厨房里传来了小提琴的声音--格里高 尔蛰居以来,就不记得听到过这种声音。房客们已经用完晚 餐了,坐在当中的那个拿出一份报纸,给另外两个人一人一 页,这时他们都舒舒服服往后一靠,一面看报一面抽烟。小 提琴一响他们就竖起耳朵,站起身来,蹑手蹑脚地走到前厅 的门口,三个人挤成一堆,厨房里准是听到了他们的动作声, 因为格里高尔的父亲喊道:“拉小提琴妨碍你们吗,先生们? 可以马上不拉的。”“没有的事,”当中那个房客说,“能 不能请小姐到我们这儿来,在这个房间里拉,这儿不是方便 得多舒服得多吗?”“噢,当然可以。”格里高尔的父亲喊 道,仿佛拉小提琴的是他似的。于是房客们就回进起坐室去 等了。很快,格里高尔的父亲端了琴架,母亲拿了乐谱,妹 妹挟着小提琴进来了。妹妹静静地作着一切准备;他的父母 从来没有出租过房间,因此过分看重了对房客的礼貌,都不 敢在自己的椅子上坐下来了;父亲靠在门上,右手插在号衣 两颗钮扣之间,钮扣全扣得整整齐齐的;有一位房客端了一 把椅子请母亲坐,他正好把椅子放在墙角边,她也没敢挪动 椅子,就在墙角边坐了下来。

On this very evening (Gregor didn't remember hearing the violin all through this period) it sounded from the kitchen. The lodgers had already ended their night meal, the middle one had pulled out a newspaper and had given each of the other two a page, and they were now leaning back, reading and smoking. When the violin started playing, they became attentive, got up, and went on tiptoe to the hall door, at which they remained standing pressed up against one another. They must have been audible from the kitchen, because the father called out "Perhaps the gentlemen don't like the playing? It can be stopped at once." "On the contrary," stated the lodger in the middle, "might the young woman not come into us and play in the room here where it is really much more comfortable and cheerful?" "Oh, thank you," cried out the father, as if he were the one playing the violin. The men stepped back into the room and waited. Soon the father came with the music stand, the mother with the sheet music, and the sister with the violin. The sister calmly prepared everything for the recital. The parents, who had never previously rented a room and therefore exaggerated their politeness to the lodgers, dared not sit on their own chairs. The father leaned against the door, his right hand stuck between two buttons of his buttoned up uniform. The mother, however, accepted a chair offered by one lodger. Since she left the chair sit where the gentleman had chanced to put it, she sat to one side in a corner.

格里高尔的妹妹开始拉琴了; 在她两边的父亲和母亲用 心地瞧着她双手的动作。格里高尔受到吸引,也大胆地向前 爬了几步,他的头实际上都已探进了起坐室。他对自己越来 越不为别人着想几乎已经习以为常了;有一度他是很以自己 的知趣而自豪的。这样的时候他实在更应该把自己藏起来才 是,因为他房间里灰尘积得老厚,稍稍一动就会飞扬起来, 所以他身上也蒙满灰尘,背部和两侧都沾满了绒毛、发丝和 食物的渣脚,走到哪里就带到哪里;他现在对一切都无动于 衷,已经不屑于像过去有个时期那样,一天翻过身来在地毯 上擦上几次了。尽管现在这么邋遢,他却老着脸皮地走前几 步,来到起坐室一尘不染的地板上。

The sister began to play. The father and mother, followed attentively, one on each side, the movements of her hands. Attracted by the playing, Gregor had ventured to advance a little further forward and his head was already in the living room. He scarcely wondered about the fact that recently he had had so little consideration for the others; earlier this consideration had been something he was proud of. And for that very reason he would've had at this moment more reason to hide away, because as a result of the dust which lay all over his room and flew around with the slightest movement, he was totally covered in dirt. On his back and his sides he carted around with him dust, threads, hair, and remnants of food. His indifference to everything was much too great for him to lie on his back and scour himself on the carpet, as he often had done earlier during the day. In spite of his condition he had no timidity about inching forward a bit on the spotless floor of the living room.

显然,谁也没有注意到他。家里人完全沉浸在小提琴的 音乐声中;房客们呢,他们起先双手插在口袋里,站得离乐 谱那么近,以致都能看清乐谱了,这显然对他妹妹是有所妨 碍的,可是过不了多久他们就退到窗子旁边,低着头窃窃私 语起来,使父亲向他们投来不安的眼光。的确,他们表示得 不能再露骨了,他们对于原以为是优美悦耳的小提琴演奏已 经失望,他们已经听够了,只是处于礼貌才让自己的宁静受 到打扰。从他们不断把烟从鼻子和嘴里喷向空中的模样,就 可以看出他们的不耐烦。可是格里高尔的妹妹琴拉得真美。 她的脸侧向一边,眼睛专注而悲哀地追遁着乐谱上的音符。 格里高尔又向前爬了几步,而且把头低垂到地板上,希望自 己的眼光也许能遇上妹妹的视线。音乐对他有这么大的魔力, 难道因为他是动物吗?他觉得自己一直渴望着某种营养,而 现在他已经找到这种营养了。他决心再往前爬,一直来到妹 妹的跟前,好拉拉她的裙子让她知道,她应该带了小提琴到 他房间里去,因为这儿谁也不像他那样欣赏她的演奏。他永 远也不让她离开他的房间,至少,只要他还活着;他那可怕 的形状将第一次对自己有用;他要同时守望着房间里所有的 门,谁闯进来就啐谁一口;他妹妹当然不受任何约束,她愿 不愿和他待在一起那要随她的便;她将和他并排坐在沙发上, 俯下头来听他吐露他早就下定的要送她进音乐学院的决心, 要不是他遭到不幸,去年圣诞节--圣诞节准是早就过了吧? --他就要向所有人宣布了,而且他是完全不容许任何反对 意见的。在听了这样的倾诉以后,妹妹一定会感动得热泪纵 横,这时格里高尔就要爬上她的肩膀去吻她的脖子,由于出 去做事,她脖子上现在已经不系丝带,也没有高领子。

In any case, no one paid him any attention. The family was all caught up in the violin playing. The lodgers, by contrast, who for the moment had placed themselves, their hands in their trouser pockets, behind the music stand much too close to the sister, so that they could all see the sheet music, something that must certainly bother the sister, soon drew back to the window conversing in low voices with bowed heads, where they then remained, worriedly observed by the father. It now seemed really clear that, having assumed they were to hear a beautiful or entertaining violin recital, they were disappointed, and were allowing their peace and quiet to be disturbed only out of politeness. The way in which they all blew the smoke from their cigars out of their noses and mouths in particular led one to conclude that they were very irritated. And yet his sister was playing so beautifully. Her face was turned to the side, her gaze followed the score intently and sadly. Gregor crept forward still a little further and kept his head close against the floor in order to be able to catch her gaze if possible. Was he an animal that music so seized him? For him it was as if the way to the unknown nourishment he craved was revealing itself to him. He was determined to press forward right to his sister, to tug at her dress and to indicate to her in this way that she might still come with her violin into his room, because here no one valued the recital as he wanted to value it. He did not wish to let her go from his room any more, at least not as long as he lived. His frightening appearance would for the first time become useful for him. He wanted to be at all the doors of his room simultaneously and snarl back at the attackers. However, his sister should not be compelled but would remain with him voluntarily; she would sit next to him on the sofa, bend down her ear to him, and he would then confide in her that he firmly intended to send her to the conservatory and that, if his misfortune had not arrived in the interim, he would have declared all this last Christmas (had Christmas really already come and gone?), and would have brooked no argument. After this explanation his sister would break out in tears of emotion, and Gregor would lift himself up to her armpit and kiss her throat, which she, from the time she started going to work, had left exposed without a band or a collar.

“萨姆沙先生!”当中的那个房客向格里高尔的父亲喊 道,一面不多说一句话地指着正在慢慢往前爬的格里高尔。 小提琴声戛然而止,当中的那个房客先是摇着头对他的朋友 笑了笑,接着又瞧起格里高尔来。父亲并没有来赶格里高尔, 却认为更要紧的是安慰房客,虽然他们根本没有激动,而且 显然觉得格里高尔比小提琴演奏更为有趣。他急忙向他们走 去,张开胳膊,想劝他们回到自己房间去,同时也是挡住他 们,不让他们看见格里高尔。他们现在倒真的有点儿恼火了, 也说不上来到底是因为老人的行为呢还是因为他们如今才发 现住在他们隔壁的竟是格里高尔这样的邻居。他们要求父亲 解释清楚,也跟他一样挥动着胳膊,不安地拉着自己的胡子, 万般不情愿地向自己的房间退去。格里高尔的妹妹从演奏突 然给打断后就呆若木鸡,她拿了小提琴和弓垂着手不安地站 着,眼睛瞪着乐谱,这时也清醒了过来。她立刻打起精神, 把小提琴往坐在椅子上喘得透不过气来的母亲的怀里一塞, 就冲进了房客们房间,这时,父亲像赶羊似地把他们赶得更 急了。可以看见被褥和枕头在她熟练的手底下在床上飞来飞 去,不一会儿就铺得整整齐齐。三个房客尚未进门她就铺好 了床溜出来了。老人好像又一次让自己犟脾气占了上风,竟 完全忘了对房客应该尊敬。他不断地赶他们,最后来到卧室 门口,那个当中的房客都用脚重重地顿地板了,这才使他停 下来。那个房客举起一只手,一边也对格里高尔的母亲和妹 妹扫了一眼,他说:“我要求宣布,由于这个住所和这家人 家的可憎的状况。”--说到这里他斩钉截铁地往地上啐了 一口--“我当场通知退租。我住进来这些天的房钱当然一 个也不给;不但如此,我还打算向您提出对您不利的控告, 所依据的理由--请您放心好了--也是证据确凿的。”他 停了下来,瞪着前面,仿佛在等待什么似的。这时他的两个 朋友也就立刻冲上来助威,说道:“我们也当场通知退租。” 说完为首的那个就抓住把手砰的一声带上了门。 格里高尔的父亲用双手摸索着踉踉跄跄地往前走了几步 ,跌进了他的椅子;看上去仿佛打算摊开身子像平时晚间那 样打个瞌睡,可是他的头分明在颤抖,好像自己也控制不了, 这证明他根本没有睡着。在这些事情发生前后,格里高尔还 是一直安静地待在房客发现他的原处。计划失败带来的失望, 也许还有极度饥饿造成的衰弱,使他无法动弹。他很害怕, 心里算准这样极度紧张的局势随时都会导致对他发起总攻击, 于是他就躺在那儿等待着。就连听到小提琴从母亲膝上、从 颤抖的手指里掉到地上,发出了共鸣的声音,他还是毫无反 应。

"Mr. Samsa," called out the middle lodger to the father, and pointed his index finger, without uttering a further word, at Gregor as he was moving slowly forward. The violin fell silent. The middle lodger smiled, first shaking his head once at his friends, and then looked down at Gregor once more. Rather than driving Gregor back again, the father seemed to consider it of prime importance to calm down the lodgers, although they were not at all upset and Gregor seemed to entertain them more than the violin recital. The father hurried over to them and with outstretched arms tried to push them into their own room and simultaneously to block their view of Gregor with his own body. At this point they became really somewhat irritated, although one no longer knew whether that was because of the father's behaviour or because of knowledge they had just acquired that they had had, without knowing it, a neighbour like Gregor. They demanded explanations from his father, raised their arms to make their points, tugged agitatedly at their beards, and moved back towards their room quite slowly. In the meantime, the isolation which had suddenly fallen upon his sister after the sudden breaking off of the recital had overwhelmed her. She had held onto the violin and bow in her limp hands for a little while and had continued to look at the sheet music as if she was still playing. All at once she pulled herself together, placed the instrument in her mother's lap (the mother was still sitting in her chair having trouble breathing and with her lungs labouring) and had run into the next room, which the lodgers, pressured by the father, were already approaching more rapidly. One could observe how under the sister's practiced hands the sheets and pillows on the beds were thrown on high and arranged. Even before the lodgers had reached the room, she was finished fixing the beds and was slipping out. The father seemed so gripped once again with his stubbornness that he forgot about the respect which he always owed to his renters. He pressed on and on, until at the door of the room the middle gentleman stamped loudly with his foot and thus brought the father to a standstill. "I hereby declare," the middle lodger said, raising his hand and casting his glance both on the mother and the sister, "that considering the disgraceful conditions prevailing in this apartment and family," with this he spat decisively on the floor, "I immediately cancel my room. I will, of course, pay nothing at all for the days which I have lived here; on the contrary I shall think about whether or not I will initiate some sort of action against you, something which--believe me-- will be very easy to establish." He fell silent and looked directly in front of him, as if he was waiting for something. In fact, his two friends immediately joined in with their opinions, "We also give immediate notice." At that he seized the door handle, banged the door shut, and locked it.

“亲爱的爸爸妈妈,”妹妹说话了,一面用手在桌子上 拍了拍,算是引子,“事情不能再这样拖下去了。你们也许 不明白,我可明白。对这个怪物,我没法开口叫他哥哥,所 以我的意思是:我们一定得把他弄走。我们照顾过他,对他 也算是仁至义尽了,我想谁也不能责怪我们有半分不是了。”

The father groped his way tottering to his chair and let himself fall in it. It looked as if he was stretching out for his usual evening snooze, but the heavy nodding of his head (which looked as if it was without support) showed that he was not sleeping at all. Gregor had lain motionless the entire time in the spot where the lodgers had caught him. Disappointment with the collapse of his plan and perhaps also his weakness brought on his severe hunger made it impossible for him to move. He was certainly afraid that a general disaster would break over him at any moment, and he waited. He was not even startled when the violin fell from the mother's lap, out from under her trembling fingers, and gave off a reverberating tone.

“她说得对极了。”格里高尔的父亲自言自语地说。母 亲仍旧因为喘不过气来憋得难受,这时候又一手捂着嘴干咳 起来,眼睛里露出疯狂的神色。

"My dear parents," said the sister banging her hand on the table by way of an introduction, "things cannot go on any longer in this way. Maybe if you don't understand that, well, I do. I will not utter my brother's name in front of this monster, and thus I say only that we must try to get rid of it. We have tried what is humanly possible to take care of it and to be patient. I believe that no one can criticize us in the slightest." "She is right in a thousand ways," said the father to himself. The mother, who was still incapable of breathing properly, began to cough numbly with her hand held up over her mouth and a manic expression in her eyes.

他妹妹奔到母亲跟前,抱住了她的头。父亲的头脑似乎 因为葛蕾特的话而茫然不知所从了;他直挺挺地坐着,手指 抚弄着他那顶放在房客吃过饭还未撤下去的盆碟之间的制帽, 还不时看看格里高尔一动不动的身影。

The sister hurried over to her mother and held her forehead. The sister's words seemed to have led the father to certain reflections. He sat upright, played with his uniform hat among the plates, which still lay on the table from the lodgers' evening meal, and looked now and then at the motionless Gregor.

“我们一定要把他弄走,”妹妹又一次明确地对父亲说, 因为母亲正咳得厉害,根本连一个字也听不见,“他会把你 们拖垮的,我知道准会这样。咱们三个人都已经拼了命工作, 再也受不了家里这样的折磨了。至少我是再也无法忍受了。” 说到这里她痛哭起来,眼泪都落在母亲脸上,于是她又机械 地替母亲把泪水擦干。

"We must try to get rid of it," the sister now said decisively to the father, for the mother, in her coughing fit, wasn't listening to anything, "it is killing you both. I see it coming. When people have to work as hard as we all do, they cannot also tolerate this endless torment at home. I just can't go on any more." And she broke out into such a crying fit that her tears flowed out down onto her mother's face. She wiped them off her mother with mechanical motions of her hands.

“我的孩子,”老人同情地说,心里显然非常明白,“ 不过我们该怎么办呢?”

"Child," said the father sympathetically and with obvious appreciation, "then what should we do?"

格里高尔的妹妹只是耸耸肩膀,表示虽然她刚才很有自 信心,可是哭过一场以后,又觉得无可奈何了。

The sister only shrugged her shoulders as a sign of the perplexity which, in contrast to her previous confidence, had come over her while she was crying.

“如果他能懂得我们的意思。”父亲半带疑问地说;还 在哭泣的葛蕾特猛烈地挥了一下手,表示这是不可思议的。

"If only he understood us," said the father in a semi-questioning tone. The sister, in the midst of her sobbing, shook her hand energetically as a sign that there was no point thinking of that.

“如果他能懂得我们的意思,”老人重复说,一面闭上 眼睛,考虑女儿的反面意见,“我们倒也许可以和他谈妥。 不过事实上--”

"If he only understood us," repeated the father and by shutting his eyes he absorbed the sister's conviction of the impossibility of this point, "then perhaps some compromise would be possible with him. But as it is. . ."

“他一定得走,”格里高尔的妹妹喊道,“这是唯一的 办法,父亲。你们一定要抛开这个念头,认为这就是格里高 尔。我们好久以来都这样相信,这就是我们一切不幸的根源。 这怎么会是格里高尔呢?如果这是格里高尔, 他早就会明白 人是不能跟这样的动物一起生活的,他就会自动地走开。 这 样,我虽然没有了哥哥,可是我们就能生活下去,并且会尊 敬地纪念着他。可现在呢,这个东西把我们害得好苦,赶走 我们的房客,显然想独霸所有的房间,让我们都睡到沟壑里 去。瞧呀,父亲,”她立刻又尖声叫起来,“他又来了!” 在格里高尔所不能理解的惊惶失措中她竟抛弃了自己的母亲 ,事实上她还把母亲坐着的椅子往外推了推,仿佛是为了离 格里高尔远些,她情愿牺牲母亲似的。接着她又跑到父亲背 后,父亲被她的激动弄得不知如何是好,也站了起来张开手 臂仿佛要保护她似的。

"It must be gotten rid of," cried the sister; "That is the only way, father. You must try to get rid of the idea that this is Gregor. The fact that we have believed for so long, that is truly our real misfortune. But how can it be Gregor? If it were Gregor, he would have long ago realized that a communal life among human beings is not possible with such an animal and would have gone away voluntarily. Then we would not have a brother, but we could go on living and honour his memory. But this animal plagues us. It drives away the lodgers, will obviously take over the entire apartment, and leave us to spend the night in the alley. Just look, father," she suddenly cried out, "he's already starting up again." With a fright which was totally incomprehensible to Gregor, the sister even left the mother, pushed herself away from her chair, as if she would sooner sacrifice her mother than remain in Gregor's vicinity, and rushed behind her father who, excited merely by her behaviour, also stood up and half raised his arms in front of the sister as though to protect her.

可是格里高尔根本没有想吓唬任何人,更不要说自己的 妹妹了。他只不过是开始转身,好爬回自己的房间去,不过 他的动作瞧着一定很可怕,因为在身体不灵活的情况下,他 只有昂起头来一次又一次地支着地板,才能完成困难的向后 转的动作。他的良好的意图似乎给看出来了;他们的惊慌只 是暂时性的。现在他们都阴郁而默不作声地望着他。母亲躺 在椅子里,两条腿僵僵地伸直着,并紧在一起,她的眼睛因 为疲惫已经几乎全闭上了;父亲和妹妹彼此紧靠地坐着,妹 妹的胳膊还围在父亲的脖子上。

But Gregor did not have any notion of wishing to create problems for anyone and certainly not for his sister. He had just started to turn himself around in order to creep back into his room, quite a startling sight, since, as a result of his suffering condition, he had to guide himself through the difficulty of turning around with his head, in this process lifting and banging it against the floor several times. He paused and looked around. His good intentions seem to have been recognized. The fright had only lasted for a moment. Now they looked at him in silence and sorrow. His mother lay in her chair, with her legs stretched out and pressed together; her eyes were almost shut from weariness. The father and sister sat next to one another. The sister had set her hands around the father's neck.

也许我现在又有气力转过身去了吧,格里高尔想,又开 始使劲起来。他不得不时时停下来喘口气。

" Now perhaps I can actually turn myself around," thought Gregor and began the task again. He couldn't stop puffing at the effort and had to rest now and then.

谁也没有催他; 他们完全听任他自己活动 。一等他调转了身子, 他马上就 径直爬回去。房间和他之间的距离使他惊讶不已,他不明白 自己身体这么衰弱,刚才是怎么不知不觉就爬过来的。他一 心一意地拼命快爬,几乎没有注意家里人连一句话或是一下 喊声都没有发出,以免妨碍他的前进。

Besides no one was urging him on. It was all left to him on his own. When he had completed turning around, he immediately began to wander straight back. He was astonished at the great distance which separated him from his room and did not understand in the least how in his weakness he had covered the same distance a short time before, almost without noticing it. Constantly intent only on creeping along quickly, he hardly paid any attention to the fact that no word or cry from his family interrupted him.

只是在爬到门口时他 才扭过头来,也没有完全扭过来,因为他颈部的肌肉越来越 发僵了,可是也足以看到谁也没有动,只有妹妹站了起来。 他最后的一瞥是落在母亲身上的,她已经完全睡着了。

Only when he was already in the door did he turn his head, not completely, because he felt his neck growing stiff. At any rate he still saw that behind him nothing had changed. Only the sister was standing up. His last glimpse brushed over the mother who was now completely asleep.

还不等他完全进入房间,门就给仓促地推上,闩了起来, 还上了锁。后面突如其来的响声使他大吃一惊,身子下面那 些细小的腿都吓得发软了。这么急急忙忙的是他的妹妹。她 早已站起身来等着,而且还轻快地往前跳了几步,格里高尔 甚至都没有听见她走近的声音,她拧了拧钥匙把门锁上以后 就对父母亲喊道:“总算锁上了!”

Hardly was he inside his room when the door was pushed shut very quickly, bolted fast, and barred. Gregor was startled by the sudden commotion behind him, so much so that his little limbs bent double under him. It was his sister who had been in such a hurry. She had stood up right away, had waited, and had then sprung forward nimbly. Gregor had not heard anything of her approach. She cried out "Finally!" to her parents, as she turned the key in the lock.

“现在又该怎么办呢?”格里高尔自言自语地说,向四 周围的黑暗扫了一眼。他很快就发现自己已经完全不能动弹 了。这并没有使他吃惊,相反,他依靠这些又细又弱的腿爬 了这么多路,这倒真是不可思议。其它也没有什么不舒服的 地方了。的确,他整个身子都觉得酸疼,不过也好像正在减 轻,以后一定会完全不疼的。他背上的烂苹果和周围发炎的 地方都蒙上了柔软的尘土,早就不太难过了。他怀着温柔和 爱意想着自己的一家人。他消灭自己的决心比妹妹还强烈呢, 只要这件事真能办得到。他陷在这样空虚而安谧的沉思中, 一直到钟楼上打响了半夜三点。从窗外的世界透进来的第一 道光线又一次地唤醒了他的知觉。接着他的头无力地颓然垂 下,他的鼻孔里也呼出了最后一丝摇曳不定的气息。

"What now?" Gregor asked himself and looked around him in the darkness. He soon made the discovery that he could no longer move at all. He was not surprised at that. On the contrary, it struck him as unnatural that he had really been able up to this point to move around with these thin little legs. Besides he felt relatively content. True, he had pains throughout his entire body, but it seemed to him that they were gradually becoming weaker and weaker and would finally go away completely. The rotten apple in his back and the inflamed surrounding area, entirely covered with white dust, he hardly noticed. He remembered his family with deep feeling and love. In this business, his own thought that he had to disappear was, if possible, even more decisive than his sister's. He remained in this state of empty and peaceful reflection until the tower clock struck three o'clock in the morning. From the window he witnessed the beginning of the general dawning outside. Then without willing it, his head sank all the way down, and from his nostrils flowed out weakly out his last breath.

清晨,老妈子来了--一半因为力气大,一半因为性子 急躁,她总把所有的门都弄得乒乒乓乓,也不管别人怎么经 常求她声音轻些,别让整个屋子的人在她一来以后就睡不成 觉--她照例向格里高尔的房间张望一下,也没发现什么异 常之处。她以为他故意一动不动地躺着装模作样;她对他作 了种种不同的猜测。她手里正好有一把长柄扫帚,所以就从 门口用它来拨撩格里高尔。这还不起作用,她恼火了,就更 使劲地捅,但是只能把他从地板上推开去,却没有遇到任何 抵抗,到了这时她才起了疑窦。很快她就明白了事情的真相, 于是睁大眼睛,吹了一下口哨,她不多逗留,马上就去拉开 萨姆沙夫妇卧室的门,用足气力向黑暗中嚷道:“你们快去 瞧,它死了;它躺在那踹腿了。一点气儿也没有了!”

Early in the morning the cleaning woman came. In her sheer energy and haste she banged all the doors (in precisely the way people had already asked her to avoid), so much so that once she arrived a quiet sleep was no longer possible anywhere in the entire apartment. In her customarily brief visit to Gregor she at first found nothing special. She thought he lay so immobile there intending to play the offended party. She gave him credit for as complete an understanding as possible. Because she happened to hold the long broom in her hand, she tried to tickle Gregor with it from the door. When that was quite unsuccessful, she became irritated and poked Gregor a little, and only when she had shoved him from his place without any resistance did she become attentive. When she quickly realized the true state of affairs, her eyes grew large, she whistled to herself, but didn't restrain herself for long. She pulled open the door of the bedroom and yelled in a loud voice into the darkness, "Come and look. It's kicked the bucket. It's lying there, totally snuffed!"

萨姆沙先生和太太从双人床上坐起身体,呆若木鸡,直 到弄清楚老妈子的消息到底是什么意思,才慢慢地镇定下来。 接着他们很快就爬下了床,一个人爬一边,萨姆沙先生拉过 一条毯子往肩膀上一披,萨姆沙太太光穿着睡衣;他们就这 么打扮着进入了格里高尔的房间。同时,起坐室的房门也打 开了,自从收了房客以后葛蕾特就睡在这里;她衣服穿得整 整齐齐,仿佛根本没有上过床,她那苍白的脸色更是证明了 这点。“死了吗?”萨姆沙太太说,怀疑地望着老妈子,其 实她满可以自己去看个明白的,但是这件事即使不看也是明 摆着的。“当然是死了。”老妈子说,一面用扫帚柄把格里 高尔的尸体远远地拨到一边去,以此证明自己的话没错。萨 姆沙太太动了一动,仿佛要阻止她,可是又忍住了。“那么, ”萨姆沙先生说,“让我们感谢上帝吧。”他在身上画了个 十字,那三个女人也照样做了。

The Samsa married couple sat upright in their marriage bed and had to get over their fright at the cleaning woman before they managed to grasp her message. But then Mr. and Mrs. Samsa climbed very quickly out of bed, one on either side. Mr. Samsa threw the bedspread over his shoulders, Mrs. Samsa came out only in her night-shirt, and like this they stepped into Gregor's room. Meanwhile the door of the living room (in which Grete had slept since the lodgers had arrived on the scene) had also opened. She was fully clothed, as if she had not slept at all; her white face also seem to indicate that. "Dead?" said Mrs. Samsa and looked questioningly at the cleaning woman, although she could check everything on her own and even understand without a check. "I should say so," said the cleaning woman and, by way of proof, poked Gregor's body with the broom a considerable distance more to the side. Mrs. Samsa made a movement as if she wished to restrain the broom, but didn't do it. "Well," said Mr. Samsa, "now we can give thanks to God." He crossed himself, and the three women followed his example.

葛蕾特的眼睛始终没离开那 个尸体,她说:“瞧他多瘦呀。他已经有很久什么也不吃了。 东西放进去,出来还是原封不动。”的确,格里高尔的身体 已经完全干瘪了,现在他的身体再也不由那些腿脚支撑着, 所以可以不受妨碍地看得一清二楚了。

Grete, who did not take her eyes off the corpse, said, "Look how thin he was. He had eaten nothing for such a long time. The meals which came in here came out again exactly the same." In fact, Gregor's body was completely flat and dry. That was apparent really for the first time, now that he was no longer raised on his small limbs and, moreover, now that nothing else distracted one's gaze.

“葛蕾特,到我们房里来一下。”萨姆沙太太带着忧伤 的笑容说道,于是葛蕾特回过头来看看尸体,就跟着父母到 他们的卧室里去了。老妈子关上门,把窗户大大地打开。虽 然时间还很早,但新鲜的空气里也可以察觉一丝暖意。毕竟 已经是三月底了。

"Grete, come into us for a moment," said Mrs. Samsa with a melancholy smile, and Grete went, not without looking back at the corpse, behind her parents into the bed room. The cleaning woman shut the door and opened the window wide. In spite of the early morning, the fresh air was partly tinged with warmth. It was already the end of March.

三个房客走出他们的房间,看到早餐还没有摆出来觉得 很惊讶;人家把他们忘了。“我们的早饭呢?”当中的那个 房客恼怒地对老妈子说。可是她把手指放在嘴唇上,一言不 发很快地作了个手势,叫他们上格里高尔的房间去看看。他 们照着做了,双手插在不太体面的上衣的口袋里,围住格里 高尔的尸体站着,这时房间里已经在亮了。

The three lodgers stepped out of their room and looked around for their breakfast, astonished that they had been forgotten. "Where is the breakfast?" asked the middle one of the gentlemen grumpily to the cleaning woman. However, she laid her finger to her lips and then quickly and silently indicated to the lodgers that they could come into Gregor's room. So they came and stood around Gregor's corpse, their hands in the pockets of their somewhat worn jackets, in the room, which was already quite bright.

卧室的门打开了。萨姆沙先生穿着制服走出来,一只手 搀着太太,另一只手搀着女儿。他们看上去有点像哭过似的, 葛蕾特时时把她的脸偎在父亲的怀里。

Then the door of the bed room opened, and Mr. Samsa appeared in his uniform, with his wife on one arm and his daughter on the other. All were a little tear stained. Now and then Grete pressed her face onto her father's arm.

“马上离开我的屋子!”萨姆沙先生说,一面指着门口, 却没有放开两边的妇女。“您这是什么意思?”当中的房客 说,往后退了一步,脸上挂着谄媚的笑容。另外那两个把手 放在背后,不断地搓着,仿佛在愉快地期待着一场必操胜券 的恶狠狠的殴斗。“我的意思刚才已经说得明白了。”萨姆 沙先生答道,同时挽着两个妇女笔直地向房客走去。那个房 客起先静静地坚守着自己的岗位,低了头望着地板,好像他 脑子里正在产生一种新的思想体系。“那么咱们就一定走。” 他终于说道,同时抬起头来看看萨姆沙先生,仿佛他既然这 么谦卑,对方也应对自己的决定作出新的考虑才是。但是萨 姆沙先生仅仅睁大眼睛很快地点点头。这样一来,那个房客 真的跨着大步走到门厅里去了,好几分钟以来,那两个朋友 就一直地旁边听着,也不再磨拳擦掌,这时就赶紧跟着他走 出去,仿佛害怕萨姆沙先生会赶在他们前面进入门厅,把他 们和他们的领袖截断似的。在门厅里他们三人从衣钩上拿起 帽子,从伞架上拿起手杖,默不作声地鞠了个躬,就离开了 这套房间。萨姆沙先生和两个女人因为不相信--但这种怀 疑马上就证明是多余的--便跟着他们走到楼梯口,靠在栏 杆上瞧着这三个人慢慢地然而确实地走下长长的楼梯,每一 层楼梯一拐弯他们就消失了,但是过了一会儿又出现了;他 们越走越远,萨姆沙一家人对他们的兴趣也越来越小,当一 个头上顶着一盘东西的得意洋洋的肉铺小伙计在楼梯上碰到 他们又走过他们身旁以后,萨姆沙先生和两个女人立刻离开 楼梯口,回进自己的家,仿佛卸掉了一个负担似的。

"Get out of my apartment immediately," said Mr. Samsa and pulled open the door, without letting go of the women. "What do you mean?" said the middle lodger, somewhat dismayed and with a sugary smile. The two others kept their hands behind them and constantly rubbed them against each other, as if in joyful anticipation of a great squabble which must end up in their favour. "I mean exactly what I say," replied Mr. Samsa and went directly with his two female companions up to the lodger. The latter at first stood there motionless and looked at the floor, as if matters were arranging themselves in a new way in his head. "All right, then we'll go," he said and looked up at Mr. Samsa as if, suddenly overcome by humility, he was asking fresh permission for this decision. Mr. Samsa merely nodded to him repeatedly with his eyes open wide.

Following that, the lodger actually went immediately with long strides into the hall. His two friends had already been listening for a while with their hands quite still, and now they hopped smartly after him, as if afraid that Mr. Samsa could step into the hall ahead of them and disturb their reunion with their leader. In the hall all three of them took their hats from the coat rack, pulled their canes from the cane holder, bowed silently, and left the apartment. In what turned out to be an entirely groundless mistrust, Mr. Samsa stepped with the two women out onto the landing, leaned against the railing, and looked down as the three lodgers slowly but steadily made their way down the long staircase, disappeared on each floor in a certain turn of the stairwell and in a few seconds came out again. The deeper they proceeded, the more the Samsa family lost interest in them, and when a butcher with a tray on his head come to meet them and then with a proud bearing ascended the stairs high above them, Mr. Samsa., together with the women, left the banister, and they all returned, as if relieved, back into their apartment.

他们决定这一天完全用来休息和闲逛;他们干活干得这 么辛苦,本来就应该有些调剂,再说他们现在也完全有这样 的需要。于是他们在桌子旁边坐了下来,写三封请假信,萨 姆沙先生写给银行的管理处,萨姆沙太太给她的东家,葛蕾 特给她公司的老板。他们正写到一半,老妈子走进来说她要 走了,因为早上的活儿都干完了。起先他们只是点点头,并 没有抬起眼睛,可是她老在旁边转来转去,于是他们不耐烦 地瞅起她来了。“怎么啦?”萨姆沙先生说。老妈子站在门 口笑个不住,仿佛有什么好消息要告诉他们,但是人家不寻 根究底地问,她就一个字也不说。她帽子上那根笔直竖着的 小小的鸵鸟毛,此刻居然轻浮地四面摇摆着,自从雇了她, 萨姆沙先生看见这根羽毛就心烦。“那么,到底是怎么回事? ”萨姆沙太太问了,只有她在老妈子的眼里还有几分威望。 “哦,”老妈子说,简直乐不可支,都没法把话顺顺当当地 说下去,“这么回事,你们不必操心怎么样弄走隔壁房间里 的东西了。我已收拾好了。”萨姆沙太太和葛蕾特重新低下 头去,仿佛是在专心地写信;萨姆沙先生看到她一心想一五 一十地说个明白,就果断地举起一只手阻住了她。既然不让 说,老妈子就想自己也忙得紧呢,她满肚子不高兴地嚷道: “回头见,东家。”急急地转身就走,临走又把一扇扇的门 弄得乒乒乓乓直响。

They decided to pass that day resting and going for a stroll. Not only had they earned this break from work, but there was no question that they really needed it. And so they sat down at the table and wrote three letters of apology: Mr. Samsa to his supervisor, Mrs. Samsa to her client, and Grete to her proprietor. During the writing the cleaning woman came in to say that she was going off, for her morning work was finished. The three people writing at first merely nodded, without glancing up. Only when the cleaning woman was still unwilling to depart, did they look up angrily. "Well?" asked Mr. Samsa. The cleaning woman stood smiling in the doorway, as if she had a great stroke of luck to report to the family but would only do it if she was asked directly. The almost upright small ostrich feather in her hat, which had irritated Mr. Samsa during her entire service, swayed lightly in all directions. "All right then, what do you really want?" asked Mrs. Samsa, whom the cleaning lady still usually respected. "Well," answered the cleaning woman (smiling so happily she couldn't go on speaking right away), "about how that rubbish from the next room should be thrown out, you mustn't worry about it. It's all taken care of." Mrs. Samsa and Grete bent down to their letters, as though they wanted to go on writing; Mr. Samsa, who noticed that the cleaning woman wanted to start describing everything in detail, decisively prevented her with an outstretched hand. But since she was not allowed to explain, she remembered the great hurry she was in, and called out, clearly insulted, "Ta ta, everyone," turned around furiously and left the apartment with a fearful slamming of the door.

“今天晚上就告诉她以后不用来了。”萨姆沙先生说, 可是妻子和女儿都没有理他,因为那个老妈子似乎重新驱走 了她们刚刚获得的安宁。她们站起身来,走到窗户前,站在 那儿,紧紧地抱在一起。萨姆沙先生坐在椅子里转过身来瞧 着她们,静静地把她们观察了好一会儿。接着他嚷道:“来 吧,喂,让过去的都过去吧,你们也想想我好不好。”两个 女人马上答应了,她们赶紧走到他跟前,安慰他,而且很快 就写完了信。

"This evening she'll be let go," said Mr. Samsa, but he got no answer from either his wife or from his daughter, because the cleaning woman seemed to have upset once again the tranquility they had just attained. They got up, went to the window and remained there, with their arms about each other. Mr. Samsa turned around in his chair in their direction and observed them quietly for a while. Then he called out, "All right, come here then. Let's finally get rid of old things. And have a little consideration for me." The women attended to him at once. They rushed to him, caressed him, and quickly ended their letters.

于是他们三个一起离开公寓,已有好几个月没有这样的 情形了,他们乘电车出城到郊外去。车厢里充满温暖的阳光, 只有他们这几个乘客。他们舒服地靠在椅背上谈起了将来的 前途,仔细一研究,前途也并不太坏,因为他们过去从未真 正谈过彼此的工作,现在一看,工作都满不错,而且还很有 发展前途。目前最能改变他们情况的当然是搬一个家,他们 想找一所小一些、便宜一些、地址更适中也更易于收拾的公 寓,要比格里高尔选的目前这所更加实用。正当他们这样聊 着,萨姆沙先生和太太在逐渐注意到女儿的心情越来越快活 以后,老两口几乎同时突然发现,虽然最近女儿经历了那么 多的忧患,脸色苍白,但是她已经成长为一个身材丰满的美 丽的少女了。他们变得沉默起来,而且不自然地交换了个互 相会意的眼光,他们心里打定主意,快该给她找个好女婿了。 仿佛要证实他们新的梦想和美好的打算似的,在旅途终结时, 他们的女儿第一个跳起来,舒展了几下她那充满青春活力的 身体。

Then all three left the apartment together, something they had not done for months now, and took the electric tram into the open air outside the city. The car in which they were sitting by themselves was totally engulfed by the warm sun. They talked to each other, leaning back comfortably in their seats, about future prospects, and they discovered that on closer observation these were not at all bad, for all three had employment, about which they had not really questioned each other at all, which was extremely favorable and with especially promising prospects. The greatest improvement in their situation at this moment, of course, had to come from a change of dwelling. Now they wanted to rent an apartment smaller and cheaper but better situated and generally more practical than the present one, which Gregor had found. While they amused themselves in this way, it struck Mr. and Mrs. Samsa almost at the same moment how their daughter, who was getting more animated all the time, had blossomed recently, in spite of all the troubles which had made her cheeks pale, into a beautiful and voluptuous young woman. Growing more silent and almost unconsciously understanding each other in their glances, they thought that the time was now at hand to seek out a good honest man for her. And it was something of a confirmation of their new dreams and good intentions when at the end of their journey the daughter first lifted herself up and stretched her young body.

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